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seema rSubject: xslt, problem in adding comment
Author: seema r
Date: 05 May 2006 01:54 AM
I am doing xml to xml conversion, and trying to retain some unused tags as comments in the resulting xml, there are some xml tags and text within the comments. I have some strings like -- within comments. This xml is not valid, I get a message that the xml is not valid, expected
-->. But I donot want to change the commented things. How do I do this.

Eagerly waiting for an answer..
Thanks in advance.

(Deleted User) Subject: xslt, problem in adding comment
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 05 May 2006 08:44 AM
Hi Seema

Could you post a sample XML and a sample of the expected converted XML?

Thank you
- Srini

(Deleted User) Subject: xslt, problem in adding comment
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 05 May 2006 02:33 PM
Hi Seema

Try the attached sample out and see if it helps.

Otherwise, please include a sample with your next posting.



seema rSubject: xslt, problem in adding comment
Author: seema r
Date: 08 May 2006 12:01 AM
Thanks a lot, looks like something I needed. Thanks a lot.

seema rSubject: xslt, problem in adding comment
Author: seema r
Date: 12 May 2006 12:23 AM
That looked ok Srini, but the output is a bit modified, I have attached the xml and xslt and also the resulting xml. Can you have a look at the ex.xslt, and ex.xml attached, The res.xml is not well formed, as --- is not allowed within comments. Is there someway I can replace only the -- strings with something like ++ but not modify any other data.

Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.

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