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Charles BeckettSubject: Trying to use EDI to XSD document wizard with custom SEF for non-standard EDI format.
Author: Charles Beckett
Date: 18 Jun 2013 11:12 AM
I'm attempting to use the Progress EDI to XSD wizard to create an XSD for an EDI standard that is not currently supported. I thought that I could simply 'customize' a supported standard by opening my SEF file and selecting a message I have there. Is this something that can be done (and I just don't have my messaging defined correctly) or is this not supported?
I'm attempting support the ASAP standard for Prescription Drug reporting.

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Trying to use EDI to XSD document wizard with custom SEF for non-standard EDI format.
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 18 Jun 2013 11:37 AM

Hi Charles,

The most accurate method would be to open the SEF file in Stylus Studio and then right click on the message and choose Generate XQuery/XML Schema

Does it help?

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Charles BeckettSubject: Trying to use EDI to XSD document wizard with custom SEF for non-standard EDI format.
Author: Charles Beckett
Date: 18 Jun 2013 03:42 PM
Thanks, that helps a lot. I was fooling with the SEF file just before reading your reply, and did just that. I'm not getting a valid schema out yet (probably because my SEF file isn't complete.)

My next question is probably for the Progress Software folks (I've got a case submitted to their system on this.)

Can I use the exported xsd with DataDirect Connect? We are currently translating between several supported Telco formats; we haven't tried with a generic XSD.

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Trying to use EDI to XSD document wizard with custom SEF for non-standard EDI format.
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 18 Jun 2013 05:01 PM
I am not sure i understand your question.

A schema describes an XML vocabulary. You can use a schema to design a transformation from one or more sources to a target using XQuery for example.

DataDirect XQuery is an XQuery implementation which allows to import XML data into a relational database or get XML from a relational database.

See what you can do with Stylus Studio and DataDirect XQuery here

Does it help?

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Charles BeckettSubject: Trying to use EDI to XSD document wizard with custom SEF for non-standard EDI format.
Author: Charles Beckett
Date: 18 Jun 2013 11:20 PM
Previously we used the EDI to XML Document Wizard to create an XSD based on the TELCO D.0 standard. We then used that XSD with the DataDirect Connect XML/EDI converters to translate from XML documents to TELCO D.0 EDI strings.

We'd like to do the same thing with the ASAP V4.2 EDI standard, but that's not one of the supported standards. Instead, we created our own SEF file describing that EDI standard.

We'd like to export an XSD based on that SEF file and use it with the DataDirect Connect XML/EDI converter to do that same type of translaton from XML documents to EDI. I think we can do that but I'm not sure, as we're a bit new to SEF.

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