Subject:setting Transformer for java built-in Author:Kurt Wald Date:03 Jun 2010 10:35 AM
I want to use Saxon as transformer for the java built-in transformation. I explicitly want to use it this way and not through the Saxon dropdown option. How do I do this? Specifying
Subject:setting Transformer for java built-in Author:Tony Lavinio Date:03 Jun 2010 11:43 PM
The built-in transformation uses the one built-in to the JRE. You can't successfully override it with the settings, since Stylus Studio assumes it's going to be Xalan when it issues the calls.
What processor do you want to set as an external one? Perhaps we can help more if we know what your issue is specifically.
The following parameter has to be added to the Stylus Studio JRE Parameters:
where d:/Jlib/saxonb9-1 stands for the directory holding the Saxon jars
This makes Saxon the built-in JAXP/TRAX processor for the chosen JRE (1.5 or higher). So far I have encountered no problems with Stylus Studio using it this way.