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David SchultzSubject: Interpreting XSD Error Messages
Author: David Schultz
Date: 10 Aug 2009 10:24 AM
I am evaluating Stylus Studio and am having difficulty interpreting the error messages presented for a complex series of schemas (specifically the DITA 1.2 Learning Content); a sample validation error is shown below:

Validating learningContent.xsd...
annotation:5,118: element 'i' is not allowed for content model '((((tm|),)|((text|),)),,)'

The XML document learningContent.xsd is NOT valid (1 errors)

Given the number of imported schemas, it is difficult to determine where this error is. My first question relates to the location indicators (e.g., annotation: 5,118) - does this refer to "Line, Character" location, i.e., line 5, character 118?

The second question is how do I know which include has the error? Clicking the error message does not take me to the error location and the message does not indicate which document contains the offending code.

Any advice would be appreciated.

(Deleted User) Subject: Interpreting XSD Error Messages
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 11 Aug 2009 07:51 AM
Hi David,
the error is reported by the Xerces-C XML engine; in this case, the "annotation" remark says that the error position is local to an xs:annotation element, but unfortunately it doesn't say which one. If you need help finding the correct line, can you send the involved schema to stylus-field-report@progress.com?


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