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Geoff TrimSubject: XMLConverters version must be installed in the Global Assembly Cache first’
Author: Geoff Trim
Date: 16 Oct 2008 04:30 AM
I am developing an application using .Net in Visual Studio 2008 to convert EDI messages to XML and then write that XML into a text file or SQL database. I have downloaded the trial .net drivers from the Data Direct website and the application works correctly on my development machine.

However, when I install the application on our live machine it fails to run with the error ‘Could not load file or assembly XmlConverters, Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=…..’

The target machine does have a licensed copy of Stylus Studio 2008 Enterprise Suite Release 2 installed which I believe contains the DataDirect XML drivers.

If I create an installation package for my application it fails to install and states that ‘XMLConverters version must be installed in the Global Assembly Cache first’

Please advise what steps I need to take in order for this application to work on the live machine.

Many thanks

(Deleted User) Subject: XMLConverters version must be installed in the Global Assembly Cache first’
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 20 Oct 2008 09:51 AM
I don't know what happened, but we can take some steps to straighten things out. First, please let me know which operating system you are using, for both machines. You will need to be an administrator to do
the steps which follow.

Second, on the live machine, look in the registry at the key
It should have 2 string values: LicFileLocation and ProductLocation.
You can set them BOTH to contain the full path where the product was
installed, eg:
C:\Program Files\DataDirect\XMLConverters32
If they are not there, please create them. Note, you must use spaces
in the registry key exactly as shown above.

Finally, you should drag all 5 .dll files from the bin directory into the global assembly cache (depends on which op sys you are using)

That should make things work properly.

DataDirect XMLConverters team.

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