Subject:saxon Author:Kurt Wald Date:09 Oct 2008 12:16 PM
this is in addition to the "newest version of saxon sa" topic. Would the use of saxon as custom processor enable the same backmapping and debugging features as with the builtin saxon?
Since 9.1 strong type checking for function parameters has been introduced into saxon. Since then I experienced XSLT mappings running well inside stylus studio and afterwards crashing standalone due to the lack of explicit typecasts.
It would be really helpful to get the builtin saxon sa updated to inside stylus studio. Since schema awareness might not be the most interesting feature for all users it could be an option to add saxon sb to the standard xslt processors in a way that allows easy exchange of the saxon jar files.
Subject:saxon Author:(Deleted User) Date:13 Oct 2008 08:48 AM
Hi Kurt,
using Saxon as a custom processor will not enable neither backmapping or debugging; in order to have them we need to perform special operations that change between the various versions, so it can take a while before we upgrade the bundled copy.