I am tyring to create an xml report (for xsl-fo). How can i construct the report so that the field associated with an xml element is created only if the xml element is found.
currently if the xml element is not found, then the field is still displayed on the report with no value inside it.
in xslt, i achieved this though the use of xsl:if statement to check the presence of the xml element.
Subject:xml report query Author:aprameya dhara Date:11 Jul 2008 08:52 AM
i am tryin to add a condition for the if statement but with no luck. please find attached an image file which illustrates what i am doing, I want the cell (which is mapped to /report/headerSection/leftLogo ) to be present only if /report/headerSection/leftLogo node is present in the xml.
if the node is not present in the xml, then it should display only 2 cells.