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Taron BarberSubject: CSV to XML conversion help
Author: Taron Barber
Date: 18 Mar 2008 05:36 PM

I have just begun to work with XML and am in the process of trying to convert a csv file to XML but am having trouble. I need to get a CDATA section under one of the field elements. I need to get it setup to import as follows:

<url><![CDATA [import data from csv file.........

I can not get it to format in this way. I can only get it to import as follows:


How do I get that CDATA section under the <url> field element?

I hope this makes a little sense. I just started getting involved in XML so I dont really know the correct terminology.

Thank you for any help

(Deleted User) Subject: CSV to XML conversion help
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 19 Mar 2008 06:19 AM
ths CSV to XML converter doesn't allow to specify whether the data should be enclosed in CDATA sections, as in XML the CDATA section is just a syntactic feature that allows a user to freely type any text without the need of escaping the reserved characters (i.e. it's only useful if a human being is actually typing the data).
So an XML-compliant parser should find no difference between <[CDATA[http://www.xxxx.com/some/URL?key=value&key=value]]> and http://www.xxxx.com/some/URL?key=value&amp;key=value (note that & turned into &amp;). As a workaround, if your requirement to use CDATA sections cannot be avoided, you can post process the generated XML with an XSL indentity transformation that specifies the cdata-section-elements="url" attribute in the xsl:output instruction.

Hope this helps,

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