Subject:Batch process to check well-formed xml Author:(Deleted User) Date:28 Feb 2008 09:17 AM
Hi Bruce,
Stylus ships a command line tool, StylusValidator.exe, to validate XML documents, but it does more than a simple well-formedness check. If you are interested in well-formedness checking, you can use the examples that ships with most XML parsers (e.g. the SAXCount sample from Xerces-C++)
Subject:Batch process to check well-formed xml Author:Bruce Mendenhall Date:28 Feb 2008 09:32 AM
Thanks much Alberto. This works great. However, with 7,000 files, I really need a recursive call (i.e., allow a directory rather than a file to be named, and allow recursion.) Looks like the validator only allows one file at a time. Is this correct? If so, I can try setting up a huge batch file. Thanks again.
Subject:Batch process to check well-formed xml Author:Bruce Mendenhall Date:28 Feb 2008 09:46 AM
Tony, I think this is a dos batch type of command. I haven't done any batch file programming for a long time. Could you send me an actual example of this line? Is only the one line needed? Thanks, Bruce
Subject:Batch process to check well-formed xml Author:Tony Lavinio Date:28 Feb 2008 06:46 PM
That's the whole thing, as is.
If Stylus Studio's "bin" directory is in your path,
then this will validate all of the XML files in the
current directory and any contained directories.
Subject:Batch process to check well-formed xml Author:Bruce Mendenhall Date:28 Feb 2008 10:01 PM
Tony, I haven't gotten very far with this. I have tried various changes but still getting syntax errors when trying to execute this line by itself in a batch file. Could you possibly send an actual example? I don't program in batch files anymore. I am doing everything in VB so don't know a lot of the other languages.