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Joe TailorSubject: Why is this variable not showing?
Author: Joe Tailor
Date: 27 Jul 2007 11:10 AM
Originally Posted: 27 Jul 2007 10:43 AM
I have followed the tutorial for dynamic images and it will just plain to see the variable.....

The code looks like this: <IMG src="{concat(/@aamc_id,'.jpg')}"/>

I have included two screen shots, what am I doing wrong?

ps this id is the name of the jpg that i am trying to load and it exists in that directory.

(Deleted User) Subject: Why is this variable not showing?
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 27 Jul 2007 11:13 AM
Hi Joe,
the first error is trying to use @aamc_id; aamc_id is not an attribute, so you should not add the '@' in front of it.
The second error is not specifying the full path /Summary/New_Record/aamc_id; as you are placing this image outside any other navigational code, your context is the root element, and you must navigate down to reach the id.
The third error (that you are not hitting yet, but I bet you will, once you fix the previous two) is the missing Base URL setting; click on a blank area of the canvas, and the property window will show Base URL and Background. In the Base URL you will have to enter the path of the directory where the images are located.

Hope this helps,

Joe TailorSubject: Why is this variable not showing?
Author: Joe Tailor
Date: 27 Jul 2007 11:42 AM
Hi Alberto,

Thanks for the BaseURL Tip I would have never found that I diden't see that mentioned in any tutorials. So the good news is, It now reads my variable with code like this :
<IMG src="{concat(/Summary/New_Record/aamc_id,'.jpg')}"/>

For some reason When I run the transform I get the following screen shot. Obviously it is just not seeing the site root path. Shouls I just make an element with that in it as well and concatinate the two?

Joe TailorSubject: Why is this variable not showing?
Author: Joe Tailor
Date: 27 Jul 2007 11:46 AM
Update, I cleared the base URL to be blank and It worked? I am please but am not sure why as I trust your advice from the previous post.


I really apreciate all the help

Joe TailorSubject: Why is this variable not showing?
Author: Joe Tailor
Date: 27 Jul 2007 02:03 PM
Update, I cleared the base URL to be blank and It worked? I am please but am not sure why as I trust your advice from the previous post.


I really apreciate all the help

Joe TailorSubject: Why is this variable not showing?
Author: Joe Tailor
Date: 27 Jul 2007 03:50 PM

I just wanted to say thanks again for all of you assistance,

I have been able to finish my xls file and it is working well.

(Deleted User) Subject: Why is this variable not showing?
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 30 Jul 2007 04:44 AM
Hi Joe,
if the XSLT works without the Base URL setting, it means that you generate the final HTML in the right folder; setting it to the correct folder allows you to preview it even when this doesn't happen.
I am happy everything is working now,


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