 Subject: XSL cannot save: I/O error...being used by another process (8r2 Pro) Author: David Brown Date: 13 Jul 2007 10:23 PM Originally Posted: 13 Jul 2007 10:05 PM
I am writing some very simple XSL templates (maybe 10 tags total) in stylus studio. I'm just learning XSL and so I get plenty of errors. After about the second error, I can no longer save the file I'm working on. The dialog reads:
Encountered an I/O error in URL "file:///c:/Documents and Settings/...myfile.xsl" The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
All files involved are part of the project and are not being used by any process not started by Stylus Studio. (I copy/paste the XSL into my PHP scripts.)
This may be associated with the appearance of a little bouncing line below the editor that holds a copy of the XSL error message. Not sure.
If I close and reopen the file, I am still unable to save changes to the XSL. While the file is closed, Process Explorer still shows that struzzo.exe has a file handle open to it.
The problem appeared after I upgraded to Build 894i (current as of July '07) of Stylus Studio Professional Suite. However, I don't use it much, so its possible I might not have noticed the problem in the earlier version. Still. I am going to try reinstalling the previous version. This problem is getting too annoying.
Thanks for any help.
EDIT: a few more bits of information.
I can NOT find a file handle to the .xsl (examining Struzzo.exe with Process Explorer) when I simply open the file. There is one very briefly while the XSL runs. Also to a tmp file (perhaps for output)
If I deliberately introduce an error and make the editor window very wide such that the error message fits within the status bar below the editor, the handle appears to close properly.
If I have the editor window narrow enough that the error message bounces from side to side, the file handle remains, I cannot save the file, and once I try and fail, I can't run the xsl either.
Hope that helps you pin it down. Now, "onward" back to 8r1 instead of 8r2. Hopefully I can still open my project files...