Subject:Report Designer Screen Repaint Very Slow Author:brian furlong Date:04 Jul 2007 08:39 AM
I am using a report file with an attached xsd and xml sample file. The report designer surface is lengthening as I work and getting unsatisfactorily slow. Each time I drag an entity onto the designer surface or add a table or simply enter text onto the designer, there is a lengthy wait (easily 15 seconds) , the designer canvas repaints and is scrolled to the top of the page again! This means I then have to scroll down again to the area I am working on.
Can you tell me how to overcome this please as it is making the report designer unusable for me?
Subject:Report Designer Screen Repaint Very Slow Author:Minollo I. Date:09 Jul 2007 04:08 PM
can you drop us an email at I would like to share with you a release candidate of the next maintenance package which may address the problem you are experiencing.
Subject:Report Designer Screen Repaint Very Slow Author:David Bartell Date:24 Jan 2019 04:31 PM
I have the current version, but this is still a problem. While my screen does not pop to the top the way someone else described, the refresh is getting longer and longer, perhaps as my report grows. It is really unacceptable (in addition to numerous bugs in the interface). Is there a way to optimize this?