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Neal WaltersSubject: C# Generation from XSD
Author: Neal Walters
Date: 27 Mar 2007 07:52 PM
I've search and found a few older posts, but I'll ask again.
Does StylusStudio offer any replacement to Microsoft's xsd.exe utility (that builds C# code from a schema). (I have Enterprise version, and haven't had time to tap into everything there yet.)

The two problems it seems to have:
1) You have to spell out all the references (to all imported schemas) on a command line prompt, so you are rather limited if you have lengthy pathy names.
2) It seems to generate the same "common" or imported code repeatedly, so when you compile in C# you get duplicate class names. This is very annoying to have to make these manual changes every time we change our schema.

So is there a good replacement utility from StylusStudio or elsewhere? I found the link to http://www.codegeneration.net on Microsoft site, but it seems to list a plethora of options that I would have to take a day to sift through.

Neal Walters

Jasbir LutheraSubject: C# Generation from XSD
Author: Jasbir Luthera
Date: 28 Mar 2007 12:03 PM
Open the xsd in Stylus, on the menu, under XMLSchema, there is an option to generate Java Binding Classes.

Tony LavinioSubject: C# Generation from XSD
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 28 Mar 2007 04:57 PM
At this point we don't have an option to generate C#
binding classes.

(Deleted User) Subject: C# Generation from XSD
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 20 Jun 2007 11:11 PM
Originally Posted: 20 Jun 2007 11:07 PM
However, there is some assistance with java to C# conversion.
Microsoft Java Language Conversion Assistant 3.0

I haven't had occasion to try more than snippets (and not with the Microsoft tool), but I wouldn't think correspondence between (whatever java libraries are called) to .NET assemblies would be very good.

I have enough learning problems with SS at the moment, but it is definitely something that I am going to attempt.

Any feedback from other users would be great.


(Deleted User) Subject: C# Generation from XSD
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 20 Jun 2007 11:43 PM
Actually, that conversion is not too bad - the exceptions are (copied from Microsoft MSDN Library documentation) -

Unsupported Java-Language Packages
Because of differences between the architecture of CORBA and .NET Framework Remoting, the following CORBA packages and classes are not supported:


Because of differences between the architecture of Swing and Windows Forms, the following Swing packages are not supported:


Because it contains interfaces for implementing third-party drivers, the following package is not supported:



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