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Jon SharpSubject: "SDQ format" processing
Author: Jon Sharp
Date: 10 Aug 2006 10:37 AM
I've recently received an EDI file from a vendor that I need to convert into an XML document. I've been doing this for some time using Stylus Studio. However, this time the file format is slightly different. I've been told it is in "SDQ format". It is supposed to be a standard X12 EDI document, but Stylus Studio's EDI file converter can't understand it as an EDI file. When I inquired to the precise nature of this format, I was told the following:

An SDQ po is just a type of X12 formatted EDI. The basic layout is that the line item detail is first based on a "line item basis or by product" like normal po's. On an SDQ po you have another level of looping inside the "line item basis or by product" which is the SDQ segment. In the SDQ segment it lists qty per store and store numbers. In the P0102 field there is the total qty. In the SDQ03 it lists a store number, in the SDQ04 it lists the qty for the store in the SDQ03. The SDQ05 and 06 follow the same pattern which is repeated up to the SDQ22. Please let me know if you need further details on this setup.

I was wondering if perhaps someone else has seen this type of file before and knows how I might go about working with it using Stylus Studio.

Thank you for any help you can provide!


Tony LavinioSubject: No Topic
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 10 Aug 2006 11:47 AM
Could you post a sample of this document to our support email
forum at stylus-field-report@progress.com ?

We'd like to see exactly how it differs so that we can give you
proper guidance.

Put "SDQ format" in the subject line, please.

Tony LavinioSubject: No Topic
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 14 Aug 2006 02:28 PM
I've read over the SDQ file, and it is nothing more than a standard X12 850 Purchase order with some of the segments removed.

Specifically, the start of the file should include the prologue of ISA and GS segments, and the end of the file should have the epilogue of GE and IEA segments.

Also, before each BEG segment there should be an ST segment, and after each CTT segment there should be an SE segment.

Without some of those missing segments, no general-purpose adapter will be able to handle the file, and here's why:

The ISA segment tells what the element and segment separator characters will be. X12 doesn't supply default values, so that segment is needed for those.

The GS segment tells us which version of the transaction sets the message will include. Otherwise, we won't know how to decode the values, or even which validation rules to apply.

The SE segment tells us that the data is in the 850 Purchase Order transaction set. We can't just infer this from the presence of SDQ segments alone, since in addition to the 850, the 163, 180, 210, 212, 214, 223, 810, 830, 840, 843, 846, 852, 855, 856, 860, 862, 865, and 940 transaction sets also use SDQ segments.

Also, I could not find a reference to "SDQ Format" in any of the X12 documentation we have, nor could I find references in the members-only portions of the site. It's possible that it exists somewhere and is poorly indexed, but I could not find it.

In short, I think your vendor has created for you a file that includes some, but not all, of the X12 standard.

What are your options?

1. Have your vendor add the missing pieces so that they emit X12 EDI that is according to the published X12 standards, without omitting mandatory segments.


2. Use Convert-to-XML and build your own map. Since only a few segment types are used in this message, you'd only have to develop a few pattern matches.

Let us know if we can help further.

Jon SharpSubject: Thanks
Author: Jon Sharp
Date: 16 Aug 2006 04:59 PM
Thanks for your assessment. That's mostly what I expected, though I wasn't sure exactly how to deal with it. I think I may have to create a custom map as the vendor doesn't appear to think there's anything "wrong" with it.

Thanks again!

Lara EdomSubject: SDQ
Author: Lara Edom
Date: 23 Mar 2007 10:12 AM
Jon, what was your outcome on this map? How did you handle a SDQ loop that in X12 document exists on detail level but has to create a customer's ship-to header records with re-composed product’ information for each ship-to under it? We received an EDI 850 from a new partner with SDQ segments in it and we don’t have any experience with this map… Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Tony LavinioSubject: SDQ
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 30 Mar 2007 09:51 AM
Another option would be to create a small program that adds
the missing pieces before and after the SDQ file to make a
completed file, and then have the result of that passed into
the converter.

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