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jan iversenSubject: XML schema documentation generation.
Author: jan iversen
Date: 17 Jan 2006 06:49 PM

I am generating X3P documentation with the Pro version and run into a bug (I think).

I have 4 XSD files that include each other. I generate documentation at top level, and it correctly generated 4 html files.

However the item links in "XML instance representation"....does not always link to the correct file, it often links to the "current" file instead of the file that contains the defintion.

I have included the 4 XSD files, together with the generated doc. please open amis_comm.xsd.html goto "command" open instance representation and click at e.g. "type_sequenceId [1]"...this simpleType is defined in amis_types.xsd, but the url points to amis_comm.xsd.

I hope you can give me swift answer since this problem is holding up a delivery.

I thank in advance for your support.

Zip file with example files and XSD proj

Ivan PedruzziSubject: XML schema documentation generation.
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 17 Jan 2006 10:18 PM

Which Stylus Studio build are you running (help -> about)?

Could you verify if serchImportedSchemas and serchIncludedSchemas are
set to true (Tools -> Options -> Module Settings -> XML Schema Editor -> Documentation)?

Thank You
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

jan iversenSubject: XML schema documentation generation.
Author: jan iversen
Date: 18 Jan 2006 01:37 AM

ups I forgot the version number...it is 2006 Professional version Build 501f.

Both SearchIncludedSchema and SearchImportedSchema are set to "true".
Looking at my files the setup are
amis_extern incl. amis_comm incl. amis_elements incl. amis_types.

I always generate from amis_extern, and it generates 4 html files, so it is aware of the include files.

I have now testet a bit more, and the problem seem to be isolated in amis_comm when referencing amis_types....I have controlled that the "header" are identical built in all 4 files.

I also tried to generate documentation from amis_comm and amis_comm...html still contains wrong references for all types (located in amis_types) but are ok for all elements (located in amis_elements)...

This is quite weird, I dont understand it....

thanks for your swift response

Ivan PedruzziSubject: XML schema documentation generation.
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 18 Jan 2006 03:03 PM

The problem seems to manifest only for reference to AttributeGroup components.
For instance in the global element "reply" (amis_comm.xsd.html#element_reply)
the "Schema Component Representation" has a correct link to the
AttributeGroup but the "XML Instance Representation" hyperlinks to the simple types are incorrect.

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

jan iversenSubject: XML schema documentation generation.
Author: jan iversen
Date: 18 Jan 2006 03:23 PM
I just checked it, and it seems you are right. It is only references to attribute types.

But only in amis_comm.xsd. If you try amis_elements.xsd "elm_comm_load" and select "activateTime" it works...

Have I done something wrong or have I found a bug ?

Jan I

Ivan PedruzziSubject: XML schema documentation generation.
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 18 Jan 2006 05:23 PM
Hi Jan,

Please backup the following file

c:\Program Files\Stylus Studio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition\bin\Plugins\schema-documentation\xs3p.xsl

and copy the attached file in the same location, it should solve your problem.

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team


jan iversenSubject: XML schema documentation generation.
Author: jan iversen
Date: 18 Jan 2006 05:46 PM
Hi Ivan.

It nearly works.

The reference is changed, but you forgot ".html" in the url:


at least if I compare with other references:


You seem to be expert in xs3p stylesheet, so I allow myself to insert a small extra question.

I want to print the "manual" pages, and look for a way to get printed so that each element start on top of a new page (there is a bold seperator line, which basically needs to be replaced with a form feed), do you know of a intelligent way to do this ?

Jan Iversen

Ivan PedruzziSubject: XML schema documentation generation.
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 18 Jan 2006 06:46 PM
You are right, I tested the navigation from inside Stylus instead of generating the HTML.
Try again please.

For page break you may take a look to CSS; IE supports the following attribute

It is up to you modify XS3p to change the page layout.

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team


jan iversenSubject: XML schema documentation generation.
Author: jan iversen
Date: 18 Jan 2006 07:07 PM
THANKS, it works !!!

now I will stop working for today, it is 1 after midnight here in europe (and freezing cold).

have a nice day.

Jan I.

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