Subject:Re: struzzo using 99% CPU Author:Vitus Andreoli Date:11 Apr 2003 10:13 AM
I've got exactly the same problem on my laptop. I'm using W2k and version 4.6 build 103s of StylusStudio. Is there any workaround to fix this problem?
Subject:Re: struzzo using 99% CPU Author:Vitus Andreoli Date:14 Apr 2003 02:59 AM
Yes, I've tried this workaround, but still the same problem. I saw in older messages, that this is a well known problem. So I think I'm not the only one with this problem, but I couldn't find an answer how to solve it ):
Subject:Re: struzzo using 99% CPU Author:Minollo I. Date:14 Apr 2003 09:39 AM
Can you tell us something more about your configuration?
Stylus Studio version (about box)?
Windows version?
IE version?
Is Stylus Studio responsive, even if taking 99% CPU, or frozen?