XML Editor
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Subject New Replies Views Started By Last Reply
0 new messagesDisabled Watch and Variable Views in xslt editor0321406Paul Corriveau
03/22/07 01:06pm
03/28/07 09:13am
0 new messagesAccessing Filemaker DB via ODBC0123386Jean Graef
03/18/07 04:50pm
03/30/07 09:54am
0 new messagesAbout XML Graphs0122151swati b
03/17/07 02:47am
03/19/07 09:14am
0 new messagesError when generate java binding classes0124237kinwah lai
03/16/07 02:25pm
03/16/07 02:33pm
0 new messagesFormatting a number to always have 3 decimal places0124705Michael Crisson
03/16/07 11:01am
03/16/07 11:28am
0 new messagesBug with graphical mapper0121470Elias Huter
03/16/07 05:34am
03/16/07 07:04am
0 new messagesBack Map to XML does not work0121253Joe Robe
03/15/07 02:44pm
03/16/07 05:24am
0 new messagesFloating Instruction Graphics0121164Kevin Sawyer
03/15/07 02:25pm
03/16/07 05:18am
0 new messagesMapping XSD0322987Kevin Sawyer
03/15/07 11:37am
03/16/07 05:14am
0 new messagesOutput has dashes (Hyphens) that are not wanted0623114Michael Crisson
03/15/07 11:22am
03/15/07 01:33pm
0 new messagesFwd: Error Message0123718T J.. Steenland
03/15/07 10:45am
03/15/07 01:09pm
0 new messagesError Message0421411T J.. Steenland
03/15/07 07:27am
03/15/07 01:10pm
0 new messagesEPG XML Generation0123267sertac tulluk
03/13/07 11:52am
03/14/07 09:02am
0 new messagesConnection to DB2 UDB0728240Jasbir Luthera
03/12/07 03:37pm
03/13/07 11:50am
0 new messagesInstructions In Mapper0522510Kevin Sawyer
03/12/07 11:51am
03/15/07 12:44pm
0 new messagesusing oracle's orcl:right-trim in stylus studio0123863Dan Paul
03/08/07 12:27am
03/08/07 08:50am
0 new messagesxsl fo, generate links in pdf document0223730seema r
03/07/07 11:12pm
03/08/07 10:23pm
0 new messagesDocumentation (annotations) in generated Documentation?0323757Michele Cross
03/07/07 10:10pm
03/08/07 10:55pm
0 new messagesLinking to RDBMS to Application0124648Gordon Briggs
03/07/07 06:21pm
03/08/07 10:31am
0 new messagesStylus build 653c // Metainformation0222747Rainer Reitz
03/07/07 03:24am
03/07/07 03:46am
0 new messagesnamesspacing external entities0522933Stephen Daly
03/06/07 06:56pm
03/08/07 09:24am
0 new messagesSuppress namespace on every node0425208Rusty Manesiya
03/06/07 03:06pm
03/07/07 11:58am
0 new messagesxpath: how do I get what I want?0522239Christian Gutermann
03/06/07 02:44pm
03/07/07 06:04pm
0 new messagesStill can't remove SS!!0123409rob Kennedy
03/06/07 06:38am
03/06/07 08:58am
0 new messagesConvert to XML0223002James Haskell
03/01/07 03:50pm
03/02/07 05:16pm
0 new messagesEDI Error0923436Alan Lapworth
02/28/07 09:01am
03/02/07 10:14am
0 new messages(500) internal server error when testing a webservice0126288jack river
02/28/07 02:12am
02/28/07 10:32am
0 new messagesSpace formatting with  0324147Prashant Hegde
02/27/07 12:30pm
03/01/07 09:08am
0 new messagesUDDI Browser and WS Call Composer - potentially dumb questions0323968Steven Fancher
02/26/07 04:07pm
07/20/10 05:08pm
0 new messagescursor weirdness0122343joe bedocs
02/26/07 02:31pm
03/05/07 12:23pm
0 new messagesOpen XML files in IE, edit with Stylus Studio0224495Vasil Rangelov
02/25/07 02:45pm
02/27/07 03:51pm
0 new messagesGenerate XML from schema0123447Jonas Linden
02/23/07 07:31am
02/25/07 11:49pm
0 new messagesLine-oriented region problem in CSV file0323623Rick Scofield
02/22/07 05:44pm
02/27/07 09:18am
0 new messagesUsing local DB2 database Alias in RDBXML0123623Dmitry Bolk
02/20/07 03:10pm
02/21/07 12:45am
0 new messagesSmall but annoying display bug in SS0223443Joe Robe
02/20/07 11:34am
03/02/07 12:14pm
0 new messagesBlank values in lookup lists01023993Declan Leonard
02/20/07 11:15am
03/22/07 10:27am
0 new messagesxsd problem in mapper0123082Kurt Wald
02/20/07 07:30am
02/21/07 03:23am
0 new messagesDeployment License0125140Rick Scofield
02/18/07 03:53pm
06/18/08 07:29am
0 new messagesXML post and web service0124472Hariharan Gopalan
02/16/07 03:37pm
02/16/07 11:52pm
0 new messagesStylus just wont start?0123882Eflin Charles
02/15/07 12:06pm
02/15/07 12:35pm
0 new messagesCan'rt remove SS from Windows 2000 0025288rob Kennedy
02/15/07 10:10am
02/15/07 10:10am
0 new messagesSenseX stops working on second monitor when using duel monitor setup0324491Gale Chinn
02/14/07 01:01pm
02/14/07 02:14pm
0 new messagesdodgy(non-ascii) characters causing confusion0733580Richard Potts
02/14/07 11:19am
02/15/07 09:42am
0 new messagesOptional values (ZZ1) causes error when converting to EDI to XML0225156Java Bear
02/14/07 09:23am
02/14/07 05:59pm
0 new messagesHave problems with displaying STYLUS STUDIO HELP documentation0824438Jack Tan
02/13/07 03:23pm
02/14/07 04:18pm
0 new messagesCan Stylus Studio be used to map XML to load Oracle0224834Art Zegarek
02/10/07 11:31pm
02/13/07 10:20am
0 new messagesErratic behaviour in EDIFACT adapter0124015Heber Lazcano
02/09/07 12:31pm
02/09/07 01:17pm
0 new messagesYear Calculation0122827Miranda Newman
02/09/07 11:03am
02/09/07 11:25am
0 new messagesHow to ouput a real XLS0224751Jean HERBIERE
02/08/07 09:42pm
02/16/07 02:11am
0 new messagesEDI 856 to XML - java.io.IOException:0229466Rick Scofield
02/08/07 06:54pm
02/09/07 04:48pm
0 new messagesProblem transform EDI to XML (URGENT)0124608Heber Lazcano
02/08/07 06:41pm
02/09/07 01:17pm
0 new messagesSS becomes unusable...0525750Eduardo Sobrino
02/08/07 10:20am
02/09/07 10:44am
0 new messagesSS Enterprise 735f under WinXP SP2 exit to shell on menu item selection0625092Paul Stusiak
02/07/07 03:55pm
02/08/07 02:54pm
0 new messagesCall Web Service, Nothing return in Preview 01128907Wen Ruan
02/07/07 02:38pm
02/16/07 12:37pm
0 new messagesError while debugging xslt with XalanJ 2.5.20123063erik meissner
02/07/07 12:09pm
02/07/07 03:19pm
0 new messagesDESADV D96A Schema vs XML inconsistency0333863Oddbjørn Overskott
02/05/07 08:37am
02/08/07 11:55am
0 new messagesDas Programm mit mysql ? 0323508POZ Martin
02/03/07 08:30am
02/05/07 08:51pm
0 new messagesRegEx Search and Replace0525107Kurt Martin
01/31/07 08:47am
02/05/07 05:02am
0 new messagesSequeLink Server - Do I need a license?0524938Jan Zaruba
01/31/07 05:37am
01/31/07 09:37am
0 new messagesfaultString: (401)Unauthorized with NTLM0634299Collin Ng
01/30/07 09:53pm
02/01/07 10:25pm
0 new messagesPreviewing XSL with javascript in it0122341Barbara Valentour
01/30/07 02:34pm
01/31/07 02:02pm
0 new messagesremoving formating from XML0523159Stephen Daly
01/30/07 11:25am
02/01/07 03:10am
0 new messagesremoving formating from XML0122432Stephen Daly
01/29/07 07:23pm
01/31/07 02:08pm
0 new messagesCustom EDI to XML conversion0122696Julien Faissolle
01/29/07 01:06pm
01/29/07 02:01pm
0 new messagesGetting "Type not found" error when entering WSDL URL0323193David Solis
01/26/07 08:24pm
01/29/07 03:07pm
0 new messagesConverting file and customize output of xml0022332Antonio Maninha
01/26/07 07:23pm
01/26/07 07:23pm
0 new messagesformatting problem with xml export0121562prashanth john
01/26/07 01:18pm
01/30/07 10:04am
0 new messagesUsing DTD Entities and XSD0623759Stephen Daly
01/25/07 01:38pm
01/26/07 04:37pm
0 new messagesXML Schema (XSD), Adding comments into the XML created file0126827Hender Jimenez
01/25/07 01:37pm
01/25/07 01:50pm
0 new messagesDTD schema generation problem0121567Stephen Daly
01/25/07 12:35pm
01/25/07 12:42pm
0 new messagesHow do i generate a schema from sample XML that will not create anonymous types?0321791Matthew Giannini
01/25/07 12:06pm
01/25/07 01:00pm
0 new messagesIncomplete request message generated from WSCall 0122290Robert Hlinka
01/25/07 07:48am
01/25/07 10:37am
0 new messagesInstallation issue for Stylus Studio 2007 EE: license not valid0121014Judy Chandler
01/24/07 05:35pm
01/24/07 05:43pm
0 new messagesDTD "ANY" isn't honored by validation0122201Stephen Daly
01/24/07 03:01pm
01/25/07 06:07pm
0 new messagesReplacing carriage returns with spaces0222246Kurt Martin
01/24/07 09:52am
01/24/07 10:21am
0 new messagesWS with SOAP - problem with parameter passing0431982Peter Denner
01/24/07 07:35am
01/26/07 07:04am
0 new messagesproblem converting CSV to XML0121572edmond azaryan
01/19/07 05:00pm
02/01/07 02:56pm
0 new messagesvalidating xml with multiple schemas with wildcards0323913viswa rao
01/19/07 09:32am
01/26/07 04:26am
0 new messagesSOAP problems !0122159steven matthews
01/19/07 05:21am
01/19/07 04:44pm
0 new messagesmapping csv columns to schema0123200pournam pournam
01/18/07 10:44am
01/18/07 11:12am
0 new messagesAccess DB to XML doc using an XML schema0022337David Harris
01/17/07 03:25pm
01/17/07 03:25pm
0 new messagesDataDirect SequelLink w/MS Access on remote server0022876David Harris
01/17/07 03:21pm
01/17/07 03:21pm
0 new messagesProblem with DB to XML Source (Database Type : DataDirect SequeLink)0222011Moncef Krafess
01/17/07 02:14pm
01/18/07 04:40am
0 new messagesproblems to work from the command line0221926andrew wolfgang
01/17/07 10:46am
01/18/07 03:20am
0 new messagesStylus Studio Enterprise WScall problem0321467Robert Hlinka
01/17/07 10:25am
01/25/07 07:35am
0 new messagesErratic behaviour in EDIFACT adapter01327565Oddbjørn Overskott
01/17/07 07:28am
02/13/07 02:24pm
0 new messagesXML Pipeline Question0625246Cory Mathis
01/16/07 02:49pm
01/18/07 11:47am
0 new messagesStylus Studio reports invalid schema0321754Jay Strange
01/16/07 08:03am
01/18/07 07:26am
0 new messagesIs there a way to generate a GUI for the XML entry based on the XSD file?0023096Daniel Geist
01/16/07 03:36am
01/16/07 03:36am
0 new messagesStylus produced XSLT not transforming correctly in .Net 2.00121454Jason Jakob
01/15/07 04:13pm
01/16/07 09:17am
0 new messagesXML Editor spell check - bug with ReplaceAll function?0322194Sharon West
01/15/07 07:34am
01/22/07 11:44am
0 new messagesAPI unlocks OK, but fails in newConvertToXML0322762Oddbjørn Overskott
01/15/07 07:32am
01/16/07 09:19am
0 new messagesEDI to XML conversion for UNOC format01032587Daniele Conca
01/15/07 07:00am
09/12/07 06:21am
0 new messagesStylus crashed with recurence in type in WSDL file.0122821Robert Hlinka
01/15/07 05:29am
01/15/07 11:04am
0 new messagesterrible perfomance using the editor0322561Joe Robe
01/13/07 05:22pm
01/28/07 10:00pm
0 new messagesXSD to RDBMS, e.g. SQL Server, Oracle, etc.0225289Paul Miller
01/12/07 03:02pm
06/12/07 11:46am
0 new messagesrelational database0625024alex gomez
01/11/07 11:27am
01/12/07 05:33pm
0 new messagesStylus Studio 6 wrongfully detects hardware changes ...0524571kenneth westelinck
01/11/07 07:09am
01/11/07 09:52am
0 new messagesHaving trouble with schema validation0425595Paul Gardner
01/10/07 08:49am
01/10/07 09:42am
0 new messagesStylus Studio 2007 Home Edition - XML Diff ?0122715Ashok Shanmugam
01/09/07 09:53pm
01/10/07 09:01am
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