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Subject New Replies Views Started By Last Reply
0 new messagesReport reverts back to XHTML-CSS0122049Glenn Brand
12/22/07 09:17pm
12/23/07 01:08am
0 new messagesCertificate error0624140Frans Rijkers
12/22/07 10:57am
01/06/08 01:42pm
0 new messagesOpening DITA files and associating with SS0320834Kurt Martin
12/21/07 10:16am
12/21/07 03:57pm
0 new messagesCannot see links from source document in mapper0923805Alexander Kolchinsky
12/20/07 10:43pm
01/04/08 05:13am
0 new messagesSS 2007 vs. SS 2008 calling a custom txt2xml adapter0222506Hans Sprungfeld
12/20/07 09:54am
12/21/07 02:59am
0 new messagesUnable to compile java file0723859rajat nair
12/19/07 01:51pm
12/19/07 03:54pm
0 new messagesUnable to use xsi:type attribute0132632Adam Ringel
12/19/07 10:17am
12/19/07 07:59pm
0 new messagesUnable to save xslt file after running it. Another process has locked the file. 0422673David Hymes
12/19/07 01:41am
12/25/07 10:41pm
0 new messages.NET XslTransform Compiled output differences SS 2007 - 20080220916Jan Verhoek
12/18/07 04:44pm
12/19/07 06:23am
0 new messagesReporting Comparison0121630Brian Dong
12/18/07 11:42am
12/18/07 11:59am
0 new messagesproblems setting up the fonts with FOP0221502antonio ocana
12/18/07 05:55am
12/18/07 11:29am
0 new messagesXML conversion0421941Nirmal K
12/17/07 08:58am
12/19/07 11:48am
0 new messagesXQUERY: Application Crash0221822Tom Rokita
12/17/07 08:28am
12/17/07 12:36pm
0 new messagesBase type definition does not have any attributes0424160Dan Uhlar
12/14/07 02:57pm
12/18/07 12:40pm
0 new messagesTip says Generate C# Code actually generates Java0122374Michael Blessing
12/14/07 12:57pm
12/17/07 03:04am
0 new messagesinstall help0325097irene smith
12/13/07 12:53pm
12/14/07 04:45pm
0 new messagessaxon-license0226042Dana Collins
12/13/07 12:22pm
12/14/07 08:36am
0 new messagesMapping 1 xml file layout to a target xml file layout.0121828Heather Barr
12/13/07 12:01pm
12/13/07 09:08pm
0 new messagesProblem - Schema Representation Constraint: Namespace [xxx] is referenced without declaration0227339Jeff Smith
12/12/07 10:43am
12/12/07 01:43pm
0 new messagesselecting the correct Line Terminator & Delimiter Pair for CSV file0127811Lee Le
12/12/07 12:09am
12/12/07 09:13am
0 new messagesStylus Studio crashing01329294Mike Grachev
12/11/07 12:59pm
12/14/07 03:16am
0 new messagesEXSLT extensions in Stylusstudio0323347Mike Hall
12/11/07 12:21pm
12/12/07 03:13am
0 new messages"Indent XML Tags" introduces unwanted HTML entities.0722040Luc St-Louis
12/11/07 11:09am
12/12/07 11:16am
0 new messagesunable to use Stylus Studio offline0321705Christian Wolfrum
12/11/07 05:32am
12/11/07 10:42am
0 new messagesReplace in selection not working correctly0320679Boss AtHome
12/11/07 01:16am
12/11/07 01:00pm
0 new messagesActivation Key0225685Jeff Bridges
12/10/07 01:52pm
12/10/07 07:38pm
0 new messagesBerkeley support removed! ?0122239Walt Lounsbury
12/09/07 09:13pm
12/09/07 09:25pm
0 new messagesReport editor slows to a virtual stop0122233Robert Enchelmaier
12/09/07 06:57pm
12/11/07 10:33am
0 new messagesStylusStudio will not stop processing!!! 0121635Doug Harter
12/07/07 03:47pm
12/11/07 10:31am
0 new messagesIndent tags resolves NCRs in attributes0324466Boss AtHome
12/06/07 11:20pm
12/11/07 12:37pm
0 new messagesXML Report Table Problem0122201Alexis Arrowsmith
12/06/07 04:22pm
12/11/07 06:36am
0 new messagesdocument() function throws unknown function error0624832Manikandan Surendranath
12/06/07 06:29am
12/06/07 10:36am
0 new messagesReport indentation0122291Robert Enchelmaier
12/05/07 06:36pm
12/06/07 08:30am
0 new messagesReport editor automatic scrolling0122013Robert Enchelmaier
12/05/07 05:11pm
12/05/07 06:31pm
0 new messagesjava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ddtek.xquery3.xqj.DDXQJDBCConnection0324751dylan dobbyn
12/04/07 05:37pm
12/05/07 10:17am
0 new messagesStrange output0521457mackan mackan
12/03/07 09:02am
12/05/07 09:23am
0 new messagesBuilt-In Processor Handling CDATA Transforms Differently0422823Jamil Taylor
12/01/07 11:38am
12/11/07 06:22am
0 new messagesParameter values with multiple XSL files0221601Boss AtHome
11/30/07 09:16pm
12/06/07 11:24pm
0 new messagesSchema review0121753Prasenjit Biswas
11/30/07 04:18pm
12/06/07 09:07am
0 new messagesseperating values within one element to be used individually in another0121941carl milton
11/30/07 05:22am
12/06/07 09:11am
0 new messagesFiltering 1000's of XML files for subsequent processing 0120746Richard Potts
11/30/07 04:29am
11/30/07 05:04am
0 new messagesreplace fop0.20 by 0940121339Hans Wilhelmson
11/29/07 08:50am
11/30/07 04:58am
0 new messagesHTML tables from sorted XSL0220765Dan Wonacott
11/28/07 08:41pm
12/02/07 03:28pm
0 new messagesFrom dicisionshema to XML0320016HA Celik
11/28/07 08:37am
11/30/07 04:51am
0 new messagesConvert data from SQL database to a XML-file based on a DTD0122185mackan mackan
11/27/07 08:56am
11/27/07 10:53am
0 new messagesReally Really need help - xsl:fo transformation to pdf in .net0124094John Marrone Jr
11/27/07 08:03am
11/28/07 06:48am
0 new messagesxslt: xsl:include not finding file0121789Mike Brown
11/26/07 08:16pm
11/27/07 08:03am
0 new messagesOne field in multiple lines0220419adriana abegao
11/23/07 02:25pm
11/26/07 01:21pm
0 new messagesStylis studio editor slow0121436Nila Rathod
11/23/07 12:43am
11/23/07 03:09am
0 new messagesSchema Documentation0220267Simon Clayton
11/21/07 08:08am
11/22/07 04:04am
0 new messagesConvert PCL to XML0625943adriana abegao
11/21/07 07:51am
11/23/07 10:43am
0 new messagescrashing when connected via VPN0221839Jason Pitt
11/21/07 02:53am
11/21/07 05:40am
0 new messagesRepeater err:XPST00030223978Nila Rathod
11/19/07 07:05pm
11/20/07 01:26am
0 new messagesrtf to XML0321473Nila Rathod
11/19/07 05:29pm
11/21/07 03:00am
0 new messagesQuestions Regarding Existing Bugs In Product0221266Jamil Taylor
11/18/07 06:45am
11/19/07 01:03pm
0 new messagesBug: Saved Changes Lost Switching Text <-> Grid Views0220943Monte Hansen
11/14/07 03:17pm
11/15/07 03:58am
0 new messagesAdding Simple Types to Attributes in Diagram View0320463Paul Wade
11/14/07 01:34pm
11/15/07 03:04am
0 new messagesSQL Table to XML Convert error when running Java code0824919Simon Richards
11/14/07 09:51am
11/15/07 11:47am
0 new messagesplease help me with style sheets0121081bhavani laxmi
11/14/07 08:35am
11/15/07 03:07am
0 new messagesWSDL Misbehaving0323070Nick Locke
11/14/07 08:00am
11/14/07 12:17pm
0 new messagesRegarding XSLT logic for a simple input XML message0121244amith swamy
11/14/07 07:25am
11/14/07 10:00am
0 new messagesRegarding XSLT logic for a simple input XML message0121727amith swamy
11/14/07 07:21am
11/14/07 10:00am
0 new messagesIntegration with VB.Net0422779Nila Rathod
11/13/07 11:50pm
11/15/07 05:41pm
0 new messagesLicense for end user0422910adriana abegao
11/13/07 02:12pm
11/23/07 06:44am
0 new messagesError when running xalan samples extensions in Stylus Studio Enterprise Edition0226235david dou
11/13/07 12:00am
11/14/07 03:55pm
0 new messagesgenerate the date time in xslt (mapper mode)0123486carl milton
11/12/07 10:52am
11/13/07 11:41am
0 new messagesError When Using XMLConverters dll in Visual Studio 2005 to convert csv to xml with a conv file that has an associated xsd file0424973Adam Jones
11/09/07 12:59pm
11/16/07 08:12am
0 new messagesViewing the toolbox pane0220899Stephen Ogley
11/09/07 07:51am
11/09/07 10:06am
0 new messagesIn Sync0120908Geoffrey Nutting
11/08/07 04:19pm
11/09/07 08:17am
0 new messagesJava EE 5 SDK vs. Java 2 SDK SE0126421Matthew Fadoul
11/08/07 04:16pm
11/09/07 08:14am
0 new messagesOdd behavior of Begin Field in This Column button0021241Glenn Crumpley
11/08/07 12:30pm
11/08/07 12:43pm
0 new messagesI/O-error while saving style sheet0123784Christian Wolfrum
11/08/07 11:09am
11/09/07 07:36am
0 new messagesWEB Service Session0122103Arthur Gniazdowski
11/07/07 02:02pm
11/07/07 04:06pm
0 new messagesXML Report - Horizontal Line0022343Ken Burkhardt
11/06/07 11:50am
11/06/07 11:50am
0 new messagesXML feed to a txt file0121939trevor gillham
11/03/07 03:36am
11/09/07 07:31am
0 new messagesproblem with xml output0120141carl milton
11/02/07 07:29am
11/02/07 10:56am
0 new messagesXSL Debugging0121581Hugo Robles
11/01/07 08:33pm
11/09/07 07:28am
0 new messagesXML schema validation issue (type definitions with xsd:id)0123020Josef Spidlen
11/01/07 02:48pm
11/07/07 02:20am
0 new messagesProblem during saving stylesheet0321357Andreas Grund
10/29/07 04:06am
10/30/07 09:18am
0 new messagesSlow Redraw01022698David Scambler
10/28/07 10:32pm
01/03/08 08:43am
0 new messagesSource XML code updates in mapper0120459stephan Mattelaer
10/28/07 06:08pm
10/29/07 10:40pm
0 new messagesconverting XML to Excel0123412Meghna Yadav
10/27/07 06:17pm
10/31/07 04:01pm
0 new messagesPre-Sales Questions? And Merging options?0121742Nick D
10/26/07 05:48pm
10/29/07 10:36pm
0 new messagesHow can I download an earlier version of Stylus Studio Enterprise Ed that is MarkLogic-compatible?0121946Tim Meagher
10/26/07 01:06pm
10/26/07 01:14pm
0 new messagesCreate multiple string outputs using XSLT Stylesheet0121777Marlene Fox-McIntyre
10/25/07 02:16pm
10/26/07 03:45am
0 new messagesAlternate page masters independently from odd or even page number 0225047Ahmed HADDAD
10/25/07 08:53am
10/26/07 05:32am
0 new messagesFlat to XML and back with Stylus and XML converters0121791Silvio Arcangeli
10/24/07 03:23pm
10/24/07 11:40pm
0 new messagesBUG: Byte Order Mark inserted when it shouldn't be0121571Dennis Brothers
10/24/07 02:08pm
10/25/07 01:37am
0 new messagesSchema Validation using the top level elements0622339sara kakileti
10/23/07 01:13pm
10/26/07 10:33am
0 new messagesFlat Text file to XML or XSD0521778Gustav Dahlman
10/23/07 10:59am
10/26/07 10:31am
0 new messagesSecond time it should not go inside loop0122465satish baleri
10/23/07 10:53am
10/23/07 12:19pm
0 new messagesHow to sum Nodes which are at child nodes0121623satish baleri
10/22/07 09:09am
10/25/07 08:02am
0 new messagesWhere has the wysiwyg editor gone.0121469paul e
10/19/07 06:59am
10/22/07 06:42am
0 new messagesSS says my trial has expired - AGAIN!0121374Kurt Martin
10/18/07 01:34pm
10/18/07 01:44pm
0 new messagesXSD input; SQL Table Output Needed0122160Scott Johnson
10/17/07 06:24pm
10/22/07 06:40am
0 new messagesBuilding Schema from XML0120319Leigh Walton
10/17/07 12:10pm
10/22/07 06:34am
0 new messagesconditions on tag values expressed by xsd0221176ventodimare ventodimare
10/17/07 11:21am
10/18/07 09:33am
0 new messagesXML converter "omit fields when missing or zero" question0221899Leigh Walton
10/12/07 12:11pm
10/15/07 10:01am
0 new messagesMarklogic XQuery support in Stylus Studio Enterprise Edition0122758Kurian Kurian
10/11/07 03:47pm
10/15/07 12:18am
0 new messagesXSL switching stylesheet from v1.0 to v2.00923384roberto azzimonti
10/11/07 12:45pm
10/11/07 04:48pm
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