Subject:How to convert lines with no identification Author:Zemer Margolin Date:06 Jan 2010 06:09 AM
I need to convert a txt file which has the following structure:
header line with a specific ID at position 0
transaction lines with no id
trailer line with a specific ID at position 0
this block repeats itself numerous times in the file.
each block contains transactions of one type only.
transactions type within a block is specified in one of the block header fields.
All lines are tab delimited.
how can I convert such file using Stylus?
Subject:How to convert lines with no identification Author:Zemer Margolin Date:06 Jan 2010 10:14 AM
the problem is, that each transaction type can have different number of fields with different length.
would Stylus be able to "split" each transaction to fields just by using the fact that it's tab delimited?
Subject:How to convert lines with no identification Author:Zemer Margolin Date:07 Jan 2010 01:39 AM
the problem is, that each transaction type can have different number of fields with different length.
would Stylus be able to "split" each transaction to fields just by using the fact that it's tab delimited?