Subject:Cant sent WebService Call Author:andi goetz Date:09 Nov 2004 05:54 AM Originally Posted: 09 Nov 2004 05:51 AM
I've imported wsdl, added parameters, then tried to send the call to see what the external system does.<br>
Only- it's nto sent. The button just does nothing. Quite sad- it's the reason I'm evaluating SS for :(<br>
Any ideas?<br>
I've seen another topic with the same issue and yes,
1) it's well-formed
2) happens with any wsdl I've tried sofar
3) no error messages in output window, just blank
Subject:Cant sent WebService Call Author:andi goetz Date:15 Nov 2004 12:19 PM
trying to call the offical google service for example. Can follow instructions until the request is sent. The preview window opens on the bottom- but all fields are inactive, the 'Play' control inactive, everything... Nothing to click? Could send a screenshot, but it doesn't say much...
Subject:Cant sent WebService Call Author:andi goetz Date:15 Nov 2004 02:31 PM
yes, configured like that: HTTP Sniffer seems to indicate that request is not sent, not even to proxy. Don't believe that the proxy is the entire issue, as SS was well able to load the WSDL and can access the UDDI repositories...