Subject:table-footer depending on table content on current page Author:george c Date:03 Apr 2005 09:37 AM
I have a table where the <table-rows> are generated by a for-each loop. Each of the record have a column (e.g. Named "IsPopular") and according to the xml data file, there will be a special image placed at the row if the value is true.
And for this "SpecialItem", I need to place a footnote at the end of the Page. But that footnote should ONLY APPEAR IF THERE IS SUCH RECORD ON THE PAGE.
i.e. the footnote will not need to be shown if the current page don't have such "SpecialItem".
So, how can the table-footer know if the current page has such item? It seems I cannot simply use <xsl:variable> to store the status and check it the table footer.