Subject:SS gets into state where the "Validate Document" button is insensitive Author:David Karr Date:20 Dec 2006 07:20 PM
(Has the email gateway for this changed? I tried to post to this from email, but it said I didn't have permission. I first tried "" and then "". Both failed.)
I was working along with SS (2006 Release 3, build 653g), when I discovered that the "Validate Document" toolbar button for my XML file wasn't doing anything. The mouse didn't even consider it a button. I get a tooltip, but nothing happens when I click the button. To execute this function, I have to get to it from the main menu. It works, but it's not as convenient that way. Earlier today, I had no trouble with this button. Now it just doesn't do anything. I haven't yet tried to restart SS.
Subject:SS gets into state where the Author:David Karr Date:21 Dec 2006 11:48 AM
That's not relevant here. In the current state, the file doesn't have unsaved changes. The toolbar buttons in the editor frame are inoperative (the top-level toolbar works fine).
Subject:SS gets into state where the Author:Minollo I. Date:21 Dec 2006 01:45 PM
We have seen a similar behavior a couple of times in the past; but we haven't had any luck reproducing it... Restarting Stylus Studio just seems to fix it.
If that happens again, and/or if you find a usage patterns that triggers that behavior, please let us know.