Subject:SVG web-based editor Author:Glenn Meadows Date:25 Nov 2006 07:10 PM Originally Posted: 25 Nov 2006 05:56 PM
I would like to build an SVG web based editor. I want users to be able to open an SVG file and view the graphic image. Next I want users to be able to draw on the graphic image using basic drawing primitives such as a line, a rectangle, an arc, a circle and text. Finally, I want users to be able to save the image back to the web-server.
I want to have the web-app be completely open-source using XML technologies. Primarily, I want users to view CAD files (in a web-collaboration context) and give them the ability to note suggested revisions.
I could use a tool such as AutoDesk's DWF Composer but it is proprietary and I do not want to go there for the reasons stated above. I would use the many CAD file format to SVG format converters available to transform the file format.
I have reviewed SPARK at to examine possible solutions but any additional thoughts on how to build an SVG web-based editor will be graciously received.
Subject:SVG web-based editor Author:Tony Lavinio Date:27 Nov 2006 12:53 AM
It seems a pretty ambitious project.
If it helps, there is a non-browser based open-source SVG editor
called Inkscape that isn't too bad. It might at least give you
some ideas.