Subject:Stylus Studio Crashes when I attempt to start the application. Author:Paul Martin Date:21 Nov 2006 03:56 PM
I have been using Stylus Studio for a bit....and it appears that I managed to create a project that causes Stylus studio to crash.....
But here is the thing....I cannot start Stylus Studio any more....everytime I open the project it attempts to open my last project....which causes a crash.....
How do I get into the product again??? (Without re-installing everything)
Subject:Stylus Studio Crashes when I attempt to start the application. Author:Minollo I. Date:21 Nov 2006 04:05 PM
For some reason the docking window state was serialized incorrectly by the underlying UI libraries (OT900.dll); upon restoring that state, you experienced the crash. It's hard to tell what caused the wrong state serialization in the first place.