Subject:using .xsd to create forms Author:Alvin Lee Date:14 Nov 2006 07:10 PM
Hello. I am trying to see if Stylus Studio will allow me to create a web UI form (such as if it were to be coded with JSP, ASP, PHP, etc) where a user can input certain fields and it would write it to an XML file. In addition, being that the fields are dynamic, I am trying to have this form generated from an .xsd schema file so that I can specify if certain fields are required, or if there is a maximum or minimum number of a certain field. That way, the .xsd schema can be changed and a new web form would be generated. I've tried using XMLSpy 2004, but it doesn't seem to have that feature, so I'm looking to see if other applications will allow me to do this. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!