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Re: Daisy chaining XSLT and also how can I check wheth

Subject: Re: Daisy chaining XSLT and also how can I check whether the XSLT processor supports a specific extension (specifically, ext:node-set)?
From: "ohaya ohaya@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 17:18:10 -0000
Re:  Daisy chaining XSLT and also how can I check wheth
The way the product works, is there is a config parameter that point to the
XLST file to be used and then the output from the XSLT gets sent to the actual
target syslogd (over network), so no browser is involved....
I read through your page and it mentions:
Can you suggest maybe a small XSLT that uses
"function-available('exslt:node-set')" that I could use to check if whatever
is doing the processing supports the node-set function?
Then, I could try running that test XSLT under xsltproc on linux to test the
test and then after that also try to run the test on the product, to determine
whether or not the node-set function is available?

Per the links I included in my original post, I think I need to confirm that
node-set function is available to be able to try to use the code that was
suggested in the stack overflow threads...


    On Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 12:13:52 PM EDT, David Carlisle
d.p.carlisle@xxxxxxxxx <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 seems like only yesterday on this list I advertised
to make exslt:node-set work seamlessly on systems that supported it and
systems that had a similar function in a different namespace
David (a greyer version)

On Wed, 7 Aug 2024 at 16:48, Martin Honnen martin.honnen@xxxxxx
<xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 On 07/08/2024 17:36, ohaya ohaya@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

  From those threads above, it sounds like what I thinking of doing is
POSSIBLE, but one of the requirements is the availability of an extension:
  So I wanted to find out:
  a) How can I check that the XSLT processor supports that extension?B  Is
there like a small XSLT that I can test that would tell me whether or not the
XSLT processor that is running the XSLT supports that ext:node-set
extension?B B 

Use https://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-10/#function-function-available to check from
within XSLT if a certain function is available.

Most XSLT 1.0 processors support exsl:node-set in the namespace
http://exslt.org/common, with the exception of older Microsoft products like
MSXML or XslTransform which instead support a node-set extension function in a
Microsoft namespace.

Not sure about Xalan, I think the Java product has support for a Xalan
specific namespace as well as the EXSLT namespace.

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