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Importing stylesheets Precedence Info

Subject: Importing stylesheets Precedence Info
From: "Steven Livingstone" <s.livingstone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 03:00:21 +0100
krister ungerboeck
It's 3am here, so this may be a simpler question that I think - tired. Using

Anyway - I have two templates.
Template A imports template B. Both templates can stand alone, and so both
have a match for the root.
Template A overrides B, but I still want B to be executed, but as it starts
at the root, it never is and only the matching template originally in A is
executed, overriding B. I only want to import B and not actually explicity
call any templates - it should just encounter matches (and does) as it
progresses the tree.

So what I did, was in B, matched exactly the element name I am looking for
(no match on the root) and it seems to work fine.
This brings in another problem with possible side-effects - this is the part
I am also interested in.

It writes out all the text, as it uses one of the built in templates and so
i get the text which i don't want.
Therefore, I put the line

<xsl:template match="text()|@*"/>

which basically outputs nothing (or at least no text).
Are there side effects to this?? It is output to HTML just now, but also XML
will be an output also and I'm not sure if this method will cause me any

Any help is much appreciated.


 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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