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> > If I have a node-set, will I be able to access the children > > of the nodes in that node-set? > Mike Brown:> No; not in pure XSLT. This is what the node-set extensions in various > implementations are for, though, as you guessed. The way I read the question, the answer is yes. If you have a nodeset $ns, you can access the children of the nodes in $ns by writing $ns/node() (or $ns/* if you only want the element children, or $ns/para if you only want the <para> element children, etc). What you can do in an extension function depends on the implementation. Certainly with Saxon, when you pass a node-set to an extension function there are methods to navigate from any node to its children, siblings, parent, etc. The node-set() extension function is there to make result tree fragments navigable in the same way that node-sets are. Mike Kay XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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