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Re: sql to xml question

Subject: Re: sql to xml question
From: Paul Tchistopolskii <paul@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 10:35:36 -0700
> > I wanted to know what are the different ways to generate XML 
> > on the fly from
> > sql queries.
> > I know there are some that do it.
> I expect that most tools that import SQL results in a XML environment, 
> need to build a internal representation of the result as XML.  

Why do you think so? I think this expectation is not correct.

At least I know that PXSLServlet  is not taking any extra memory 
in SQL2XML part, but it is generating stream of SAX events.

I can imagine a design that will contruct DOM out of SQL, but 
I don't understand why should somebody use DOM for SQL2XML 
conversion ?

>  you cannot afford to do so, due to memory constraints and 
>  all you need is the data as XML, you may be better of by writing 
> a small snippet of code in PHP or similar that generates the 
> XML you need directly as "print" statements.

Not *that* small snippet, actually. Serialization into 
XML is not absolutely trivial thing ( because of & <> e .tc.)


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