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> I need to compare the contents of two different > elements "Starttime" and "Time". I have tried somthing > like this but wihtout any luck. [example code snipped] Use something like this: <xsl:if test="normalize-space(substring(Starttime, 2, 11)) = normalize-space(/page/Time)"> - The normalize-space function makes sure the strings match, regardless of whitespace differences. - Your substring has to start at character 2, because the normalize-space function strips away the linefeed and replaces it with a single space, which is counted. - You had {Time} which isn't correct. You don't need the curly braces here. Also, you need the correct XPath expression, which is /page/Time: the Time child of the page document element. Hope this helps, Linda XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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