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RE: Self documentation, my crude stab in that direction

Subject: RE: Self documentation, my crude stab in that direction
From: "Pawson, David" <DPawson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 09:16:24 +0100
RE: Self documentation
>[Apologies for coming to this discussion a bit late. My two cents

<grin>You don't do things in 2c worth</grin>

> One of my goals for my
>XSL DocBook Stylesheets is that they be less poorly documented. To
>that end, I want to combine documentation with the stylesheets in a
>way roughly analagous to the JavaDoc system that seems to work fairly

>For each
>template/variable/etc., I have an element in the doc: namespace that
>contains documentation for it. My goal (as yet only partially
>achieved) is to write stylesheets that build (reference/API)
>documentation from this system. (This system isn't meant to address
>tutorial and end-user documentation.)

Stepping back a little Norm.
Just checking understanding.
>From the example I think you want to produce docbook xml
(as documentation) from the docbook xsl stylesheets.
Then to (presumably) use your docbook stylesheets again
to format that into pdf/html?

Is that your objective?

One for Rick J here. How to spot that last weekend, when
you were tired/(other) you forgot to add the doc namespaced
entry for variable xyz? Is Schematron capable of this?

Regards, DaveP

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