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> Kay Michael wrote: > > There is no way in standard XSLT of constructing an XPath expression > from a > > string (other than by writing a stylesheet to generate another > stylesheet). > > This worked for me on Oracle v2.0.2.8. > <xsl:value-of > select="$CRData/Root/Item[text()=current()]/*[name()=$CRElement]/text()"/> > [Kay Michael] Yes, the problem of "dynamic XPath expressions" can often be solved in particular cases by a predicate that tests against name(). But this doesn't solve the general case, e.g. of finding nodes by following an XPath expression (or XPointer) in the source document, or supplied as a parameter. Mike K XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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