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Any help I could get with this would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to create summary totals by type. Given the following, <flexact xmlns="x-schema:flexact-schema.xml"> <description>Flexible Spending Account(s)</description> <fsatrans> <transtype>Claim</transtype> <transdate>2000-05-08</transdate> <transamount>130.00</transamount> </fsatrans> <fsatrans> <transtype>Reimbursement</transtype> <transdate>2000-06-10</transdate> <transamount>130.00</transamount> </fsatrans> </flexact> So, how can I change this function to give me YTD totals for just transtype = "Claim"? <xsl:script><![CDATA[ function ytdClaims(node) { total = 0; claims = node.selectNodes("/flexact/fsatrans/transamount"); for (c = claims.nextNode(); c; c = claims.nextNode()) total += c.nodeTypedValue; return formatNumber(total, "$###,##0.00"); } ]]></xsl:script> Thanks, Ron Grimes XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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