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Ben, > > - Using XSL FO, implemented by Apache's FOP, RenderX, and PassiveTeX > > Everyone keeps leading me back to Apache's FOP... Not necessarily to FOP, yet to some XSL FO formatter - unless you're strong enough to write a direct transformation from your XML to RTF (this is surely possible using <xsl:output method="text", but is unlikely to be a slack ;-)). For a primer, this link may be of help: www-4.ibm.com/software/developer/education/transforming-xml/xmltopdf/index.html It is an IBM tutorial that uses FOP. Be careful: things evolve as new XSL FO drafts are being implemented, so what you find there may not correspond fully to the actual state of FOP engine. Still it may be useful to have a look there. I also suggest looking at our example at http://www.renderx.com/hammer.html. Best regards, Nikolai Grigoriev RenderX XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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