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Subject: Re: WYSIWYG XSL Editors
From: AndrewWatt2000@xxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 16:06:35 EDT
xsl editor windows
In a message dated 23/07/00 00:39:21 GMT Daylight Time, 
sia_rahimi@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
It provides a three window editor for XML, XSL, and html output.
It allows you to import html and design XSL from it.
Also allows you to define HTML structures from XML in Wysiwyg way, the xsl 
of which you can save. However, the wysiwyg is not as good as something 
like Dreamweaver, but through the import process you can get around that.

The XSL editor is excellent. It even has auto-complete, suggesting possible 
attributes, and keeping track of non-ended tags.

Available from exceloncorp.com

Unfortunately the trial download requires Windows NT or Windows 2000 to run. 
That is something you find out only after you waste time downloading to a 
Windows 9x machine. Not good customer relations by excelon IMHO. It also 
seems to me to be very shortsighted from a marketing point of view. Surely 
there are many potential users excluded from using Stylus by this operating 
system choice on the part of excelon.

So if you have only Windows 9x I suggest you don't waste your time trying the 

Andrew Watt

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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