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prasad ramaSubject: Using Key
Author: prasad rama
Date: 23 Jan 2009 01:10 PM
Originally Posted: 23 Jan 2009 12:45 PM

I have a problem with xsl:key.

my xml looks like this

<state name="AP">
<product code="Pen">
<group value="1">
<tier min_custom="1"/>
<tier min_custom="210"/>
<tier min_custom="240"/>
<tier min_custom="1"/>
<tier min_custom="210"/>
<tier min_custom="240"/>
<product code="Book">
<group value="1">
<tier min_custom="1"/>
<tier min_custom="210"/>
<tier min_custom="240"/>
<tier min_custom="1"/>
<tier min_custom="210"/>
<tier min_custom="240"/>
<state name="TN">
<product code="Eraser">
<group value="1">
<tier min_custom="1"/>
<tier min_custom="240"/>
<tier min_custom="1"/>
<tier min_custom="240"/>
<product code="Scale">
<group value="1">
<tier min_custom="1"/>

I need to retrieve the distinct min_custom values from each group of each product for each state.

I have the Key like this

<xsl:key name="tierCode" match="tier" use="@min_custom"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="/states/state[@name='AP']/product[@code='Book']/group[@value='1']">
<xsl:for-each select="//tier[generate-id()=generate-id(key('tierCode',@min_custom)[1])]">
<xsl:value-of select="@min_custom"/>

If I execute the code, the output looks like this..


But If I loop thru the State TN and product Scale

<xsl:key name="tierCode" match="tier" use="@min_custom"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="/states/state[@name='TN']/product[@code='Scale']/group[@value='1']">
<xsl:for-each select="//tier[generate-id()=generate-id(key('tierCode',@min_custom)[1])]">
<xsl:value-of select="@min_custom"/>

If I execute the code, the output looks like this..


But I need to get the output like this...


Please help me to get the values accurately.

prasad ramaSubject: Using Key
Author: prasad rama
Date: 23 Jan 2009 01:49 PM

I am able to get the result by changing the match field in xsl:key like

<xsl:key name="tierCode" match="/states/state[@name='TN']/product[@code='Scale']/group[@value='1']/tier" use="@min_custom"/>

Even though I have problem here. In the above key I hardcoded the state name,product code and group value.

Is there any chance of passing those values dynamically by using variables or params?

prasad ramaSubject: Using Key
Author: prasad rama
Date: 27 Jan 2009 02:17 PM

I got the solution for this problem.

<xsl:key name="tierCode" match="/states/state[@name='TN']/product[@code='Scale']/group[@value='1']/tier" use="@min_custom"/>

Instead of declaring the key like this, I did declared

<xsl:key name="tierCode" match="/states/state/product/group/tier" use="concat(../../../../@name,../../../@code,../@value,@min_custom)"/>

Used the key like this...

<xsl:for-each select="//tier[generate-id()=generate-id(key('tierCode',concat($Name,$Product,'1',@min_custom))[1])]">

So that we can change the StateName,ProductCode and Value dynamically.

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