jd.xslt - Download and Installation

Before you download and install the XSLT processor please take time to read the conditions of use.


The distribution file for the current version is located at: http://www.aztecrider.com/xslt/jdxslt.zip.
It has the following content:

(root)a README file, a Ant build file, License files and a short XSL example
libthe class binaries packaged as a jar file.
All necessary SAX 2, DOM 2 and JAXP classes are included (packages org.xml.sax.*, org.w3c.dom.*, javax.xml.*)
srcthe Java sources
docthis documentation

As an alternative, if you want to receive the distribution in form of Linux RPM packages, you can download them from the JPackage project.


Additional Libraries

In order to use jd.xslt some additional, free available Java libraries are needed.

SAX 2.0 Parser http://xml.apache.org/crimson/index.html (Crimson)
http://xml.apache.org/xerces-j/index.html (Xerces)
jd.xslt uses Crimson or Xerces from the Apache project as its default parser to parse XML documents. Just download one of them and include its library in the classpath.
If you are using JDK 1.4 then Crimson is already included in the JDKs rt.jar.
If you want to use another parser follow the instructions on the parser page.
BSF (Bean Scripting Framework) from Apache http://jakarta.apache.org/bsf/
Used to execute scripts defined by a xsl:script instruction. For each language binding further libraries are needed (see the BSF documentation for detailed installation instructions).
Current supported script languages are Javascript, JScript, VBScript, JPython, Jacl, PerlScript, NetRexx, BML.
If you don't want to use xsl:script, you can skip the download.

Old versions

Old versions of jd.xslt are still available at the URLs http://www.aztecrider.com/xslt/jdxslt<version>.zip, where <version> denotes the three-digit version number.

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