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SSDN AdminSubject: SQL Server Magazine Reports: ADO, XML and IDEs: Full Featured Tools Spell Success for Developers
Author: SSDN Admin
Date: 23 Aug 2005 03:40 PM
SQL Server Magazine
September 2005
By Dawn Cyr
http://www.windowsitpro.com/SQLServer/Article/ArticleID/47074/47074.html (Registration Required)

In the development arena, a large number of players made competition in these categories stiff. In recent years, vendors have had to create development tools that not only make the developer's job easier, but that also foster better communication and integration with a variety of IT professionals and business users. The vendors in this space have more than risen to that challenge, offering rich, sophisticated features that improve productivity for an organization's entire team. This year, heavy hitters Embarcadero Technologies and DataDirect Technologies rose above the competition to dominate the development space.


Best XML Development Tool: DataDirect Stylus Studio 6 XML Professional Edition is an advanced XML IDE that provides a comprehensive set of XML tools and features for working with XML, XQuery, SQL/XML, Web services, and many other XML technologies. "This is the best IDE I've ever used," raved one voter. The product's feature set includes synchronized, visual XML editing views; comprehensive XSLT development support; support for visual XQuery editing, XQuery mapping, and XQuery debugging; and support for visual XML Schema editing. One voter asserted that Stylus Studio 6 XML is "the best value for the money, and butt-kicking features like integrated mappers and debugger make it a great time saver!"

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