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Now it would be great, if I press e.g. [ctrl]+t, that this construct will be

Another example would be the statement. I can't use the
without an and/or . So when I like to
use then I would press [ctrl]+c and the following text would be

This would save a lot of type-in time. (And I think that I can't do this
with the "languages.xml" file for Sense:X, or?)

Have a nice day


(Deleted User) Subject: Wishlist 2nd
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 05 Jul 2001 03:33 AM

Another great feature for Stylus Studio would be, if I could define a
key-shortcut which inserts (at the actuall cursorposition) a text that I can

E.g. when you write a lot of html-stylesheets then you often need the
following text:


>Now it would be great, if I press e.g. [ctrl]+t, that this construct will be

I'm adding this to our PCR list.

>Another example would be the statement. I can't use the
> without an and/or . So when I like to
>use then I would press [ctrl]+c and the following text would be



>This would save a lot of type-in time. (And I think that I can't do this
>with the "languages.xml" file for Sense:X, or?)

No, Sense:X is currently limited to tag attributes auto-completion.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Minollo I.Subject: Re: Wishlist 2nd
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 05 Jul 2001 09:19 AM

>Another great feature for Stylus Studio would be, if I could define a
>key-shortcut which inserts (at the actuall cursorposition) a text that I can
>E.g. when you write a lot of html-stylesheets then you often need the
>following text:
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